Maximizing Human Potential in your Organization

By Marly DiFruscio

Each day, people are realizing more and more that they can break away from monotony, unfair employee conditions, and stagnant growth. Our economy and workforce are constantly changing and people are changing with it. Remote work continues to be more popular than ever -- Upwork’s Future Workforce Report predicts that 40.7 million Americans will be fully remote in their work environment in the next five years. According to Guidant Financial, about 29% of entrepreneurs say they chose this path because they wanted to be their own boss. This consistently is the number one reason why entrepreneurs start their businesses. All of this to say, there’s doubt that change is abundant. However, one thing remains the same throughout this change: the desire for people to maximize their potential. 

We have an innate desire to improve ourselves, learn, and grow, and no amount of change happening around us has affected that. What is changing though, is the lengths people will go to in order to ensure they are with an organization that will foster and maximize their potential. Every organization is filled to the brim with potential and greatness, and as we have seen with the “Great Resignation” people are seeking organizational environments that will maximize their human potential. However, most of us go to work each day without a clear sense of how to do just that.

New technologies are making us smarter, faster, and more efficient than ever before. The right environment can help people accomplish great things. The wrong environment can completely stifle this potential. When it comes to human potential, the key is maximizing it and that goes beyond these new technologies, courses, and speaking engagements to do so.

So how do we fully realize the potential of the workplace, remove the constraints holding people back and help them maximize their potential? The answer is helping people discover their passions, bringing their full selves into the now and their work, and making their lives meaningful. We can do this by zooming in on the individual human being and making a concerted effort to foster transparency, vulnerability, and growth. Vulnerability allows us to open ourselves to options and solutions that we may not otherwise have seen. Allowing people the ability to be more open and honest about their passions, be their true selves, and then pull that into the workspace, will give them the ability to maximize their potential in the workplace.

In addition to this, we want people to feel like their lives, personally and professionally, are meaningful and make a difference. To do this, we want to encourage people to tap into their core values and leader purpose and bring that into the workplace. When their values are recognized and highlighted, we are further allowing them to maximize their potential.

Growth and maximizing potential go far beyond providing educational opportunities for your people and go deeper into investing in their lives. Investing in executive coaching can provide the key needed for people to unlock and uncover their values, open themselves to vulnerability, and find meaningfulness in their work and personal lives. Coaching can remove the constraints people have for themselves to push them farther in their growth and development.

The key to being an organization that makes a difference for its people, as well as reaps the benefits from an environment filled with potential, is maximizing the human potential of your employees. So how will you show up in the changing economy and workplace? As people are continuing to change the terms under which they work, will you be an organization that employees flock to or one they run away from? Take the time to fully realize potential by helping fuel growth, passion, and values in your organization today. Level Up EQ can be your partner in the transformation and growth of your people. Are you ready to maximize the human potential of your organization?


The Science of Gratitude


Passion and Purpose